
Search "user:TheBeastWithin"

27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Fantasy piece set gone missing#1

I was using the fantasy piece set and it seems like it was substituted with a blindfold piece set.

General Chess Discussion - I actually feel like quitting chess#4

I can relate to that feeling. I have tried quite a few times and I have always come back. Quit while you can. invest your time more wisely - READ. Good luck

Lichess Feedback - Better Zen Mode?#2

You can go to preferences (game display) and select your options.

General Chess Discussion - What do you think of the Scandi?#4

I still play it often. I am usually able to equalize with piece activity for both sides, but getting to be better is rare, which is to be at least somewhat expected given that I'd be black when playin…

Lichess Feedback - It was opponent's turn, his time ran out, I lost.#2

No way it could have been a network issue?

Off-Topic Discussion - Is marriage the new slavery?#2

I really hope this is a joke

Game analysis - Made a study, Can you solve the easy, medium and hard steps?#2

Wasnt hard enough :)

Lichess Feedback - Making the most out of my cpu - stockfish10#3

Buffer I have changed it and it only 2x the speed. I am expecting about 14x. your sugggestion has helped anyway. thanks

Lichess Feedback - Making the most out of my cpu - stockfish10#1

How to enable all my cores to work with the stockfish10 on lichess? I am using linux (ubuntu 18.04 LTS) and system monitor (linux's task manager) tells me only one of the cores is working 100% at any …

Game analysis - game pgn#2 - I went to your forum posts to find the answer.
