
Search "user:JKheidegg"

43 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Daily performance#3

@Deadban said in #2: > You can find that in your insights. Ah, thx. Didn't know that.

Lichess Feedback - Daily performance#1

Under "activity" in the individual profile page, one can see how many games/puzzles one has played per time control/variant per day, and how many wins / draws / losses one has achieved. Given this, it…

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Overview pages#4

@mcgoves said in #2: > Are you clicking or tapping? Tapping, I guess. I am on a Surface Tablet, so maybe, this has something to do with windows (10) ?

Lichess Feedback - Suggestion: Overview pages#1

When you hover with your mouse cursor over the menus at the top of the page ("play","puzzles", etc.) a sub menu opens so you can select something more specific. If you just click on the menus, you are…

General Chess Discussion - Dethroning Magnus#23

I want to throw Ding Liren into the mix. I think, he could perform at least as good as Caruana did in the last cycle, and he has given Magnus a rough time in the past.

General Chess Discussion - Berserk History#13

Oh, sorry, @tHeStReEtGeNiUs, I forgot to thank you, too. Thanks, TWICE! ;-)

General Chess Discussion - Berserk History#10

Thank you all! Especially, thank you, @AaRaMk, but as I've said, I've tried to find something before asking here; thank you, @RCW5, for your explanation on what berserking is, even if I didn't ask for…

General Chess Discussion - Berserk History#1

Hey all! I have an acount on lichess since 2014, and I think I remember the time, where side-defining features like berserking weren't part of it, yet, but I am not so sure. But while thinking about i…

General Chess Discussion - I Have a request? Bringing back Racing Kings!#8

You know that you simply can create your own tournament if you want to!? Just go to the tournament page. On the upper right corner, there is a "create" button.

Lichess Feedback - More statistics on the activity page#1

I don't know whether this already was suggested yet: I'd like to see more statistics than just wins, losses, draws. E.g. the average rating of the opponents or the performance as it is displayed after…
