
What are some good anti chess openings?

So far I'm opening up a bishop and sac it on the a or h file, so 1. e3 ... 2. Ba6 and 1. d3 ... 2. Bh6 seem good. Bishops look to be the easiest piece to be made captured quickly. I'm relatively succesful with this, but may be theory says otherwise.

Any thoughts on this?
From what I have read, this is extremely common and even the strongest players play that way.

But what to do after you sac the bishops? That is the question...
Sac the queen (Qg4, Qxg7 etc), and then the rest.
I guess there is counter play against this. Since then I lost a game with this kind of opening ( with black ). My opponent somehow got rid of her queen early and my whole position collapsed. Still I don't know what went wrong. Nevertheless on the next game I decided to get rid of my queen ASAP. Open up the queen, move it to the middle of the board, attack some pawn well defended pawn, and there it goes. This worked.
I did not see LM F_D89's post, when I was writing mine, sorry about this.
Yes, it makes sense to get rid of the queen, since she is the piece that covers the most squares and can sometimes be forced to take a lot of pieces.

Strategy: Get rid of your pieces in thes order of mobility: Knight, Rook, Queen, Bishops, and Pawns. If the pieces have mobility, chances are the opponent will force them to capture something.
The theory is the inverse of standard chess. So don't develop to the optimal square. The value of the pieces are not the same. Space is still a large factor in any chess game, but I would think of occupying less, rather than more in this chess varient.
Search the web with these key words: Suicide chess book
" If the pieces have mobility, chances are the opponent will force them to capture something.

Funny, I read quite the opposite online. It was said that whoever has more mobility and space has a better chance of avoiding capture.

Also, surprisingly, I read that having more material can allow to win later on in the game. I have an example of this:

In that game, I (black) had less material the entire game. All the way until the end, I was "winning". But because of my opponent's mobility, he forced a win against me.

" whoever has more mobility and space has a better chance of avoiding capture. "

That is, a better chance of being captured.

Mobility and space are good in antichess just as they are good in regular chess. There more mobility, the more control of the board.

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