
No Puzzle analysis option

Hi, I recently had a look at a few puzzles. After solving the puzzle of the day, I pushed the difficulty level way up and had a go at another puzzle. I got the first and second moves, but then the puzzle and I had a difference of opinion on what the best 3rd move was. Looking that the position, I still think my move was better than the given move--there were nuisance checks only, the king was caught in a net, it was all over. White's advantage seemed less clear after the given move.
I would at least like the option to analyze the position, but this feature seems to have been removed from Lichess. Another good one would be to access the FEN of the position, but no. It seems like such a hassle to remember the position, enter it manually, just to check that your puzzle is wrong.
What is going on here!?
It was puzzle by the way. My solution: 1...,Bd7+;2Ka5,b6+;3 cb,cb+ 4 Rxb6+,Kc7.
Its Black's advantage of course, not White's. The puzzle has instead 3...Bc6 when I guess it might end: 4bc+,Kxb7;5Rb7+,Bxb7+ 6Ra8+mate. I guess this is more forcing and quicker than 3...,cb+ 4 Rxb6+,Kc7 after which play could go: 5 Bf4+Rxf4; 6 Rb7+Kxb7; 7 Rb1+Kc7; 8 Rb7+Kxb7 9a4,Ra8+mate. So I get there in the and, but Stockfish could have told me that in 2 seconds if I had the option to turn it on.
Nothing has changed. The switch for the engine appears, as soon as the puzzle has finished. You can always click "show the solution".

What you think is an alternative solution has a major flaw. White will not play play 4.Rxd6.

The number if people who think they outsmart the computer-checked puzzles is quite large. But the number of puzzles that are actually wrong is actually extremely small. :-)