
Blind mode

Hi, logging in after a long time to play some blind chess. But I could not find the blind mode. Has it been discontinued or shifted to someplace? I would be glad if someone could help me out. Thanks
@blindracing said in #1:
> Hi, logging in after a long time to play some blind chess. But I could not find the blind mode. Has it been discontinued or shifted to someplace? I would be glad if someone could help me out. Thanks
you play rk blind? sign me up!
> btw, i have posted pretty much this exact message 7 or 8 times. others have answered similar questions. please use the forum search.

guess what? you're going to have to change your message slightly and post it 8 or 9 more times because we removed the shift-B shortcut from games. people kept losing their pieces after trying to type B in chat.
capitalizing in chat is a sign of impending mental collapse, btw
Glad to hear that... I was starting to wonder if it really was good idea to make it so easy to turn on a feature that likely many more people turn on accidentally than on purpose - and non negligible number of people then thinks it's a bug.
@schlawg said in #5:
> capitalizing in chat is a sign of impending mental collapse, btw

true, can't be emphasised enough.
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