
Sick to death of being paired with 1500?

Keep getting paired with 1500? Players,
Who when you check their stats after loosing you find they are 1700+ rated blitz players = a likely 1800/1900 classical rating which is incidentally the catogory I play in.
What on earth is the point of someone of this lofty rating playing a lowly 1500+ rated player like me?.
Yes I realise that when you start playing on a new catogory you start at 1500?, but it's just getting ridiculous how many of these guys I'm losing rating to, can't lichess seed these guys against their own level to start with? Instead of wasting both players time.
#2 No, please dont advice to abort games.
Aborting too many games will lead to a temporary ban - this is an automatic warning they will get in case they press x or let the time run down without playing their first move. :<

I can understand your frustration since you are playing in the rating range where you often face new players with 1500? provisional rating and their strenght varies from a beginner to a master...
But imagine your suggestion - a setting which makes it possible to avoid provisionals will be implemented and everyone activates that. :0
New players will have a hard time to start playing on lichess, they will get a long wait before their first game.
Think about that and remember how fast you have found your first game :-)

Maybe you can try slowest rapid instead of classical?! Or other classical time control?!
On the other side of the coin, you sometimes also get players way below 1500.
I think provisionals should only be allowed to play against each other.
He won't be aborting EVERY game..probably 1 in 10 if that...dont be such a drama queen
Hey @Parahumanoid, thank you for your opinion and for calling me drama queen.
I will take the positive side: I am a queen, at least :-)
Even if they will have to abort 1 out of 10 games it is still one game too much :<
I hope that they wont come here later to complain that they are not able to play for a while due to temporary ban.
The warning is there for a reason...
sometimes u play 800 rated guys and sometimes u play a 2000.
it all evens out in the end.

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