
16 May 2024 Checkmate puzzle i found on youtube from a chess content creator.

4 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Chapter 1 Long mate puzzle
  2. Puzzle + solution
  3. The History Behind the puzzle in Chapter 1 -> Westler- Krejcik Vienna 1913
  1. IM wateenellende

Analyses on ZH 3check Antichess King of the hill Atomic,Horde where blacks pawn on h7= on g6.

7 • IM wateenellende •
  1. Crazyhouse
  2. Three-Check
  3. Antichess
  4. King of the Hill
  1. TheFinnisher
  2. IM wateenellende

ZH study, i try to make a puzzle for a long mate ,made a mate puzzle in 29. based on a game vs Larso

3 • IM wateenellende •
  1. IM wateenellende (2684) - GM larso (2690)
  2. No Bishop on c8 change the whole evaluation in the position
  3. If there is no rook on a8 it make zero different for black, same mate.
  4. If the rook on a8 and the pawns on f7 and g6 are off the board its a draw !
  1. IM wateenellende

Putting all white pieces on the 6th and 5th row and in the styl of Ra6Nb6 etc +Kd5 and extra Q on e6

1 • IM wateenellende •
    1. IM wateenellende

    wateenellende's Study analyses on a position where there is a line with 3knight promotions in a row

    2 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Chapter 2
    1. IM wateenellende

    Nice Combination in Crazyhouse chess combination to block off square and magnet checks basicly

    2 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Chapter 1 starting of a nice combination by Jannlee in myself-vs Jannlee
    2. The finish black got after 27Kc3.
    3. The move i played in wateenellende-Jannlee
    4. Solution of the puzzle if white goes 27.Kd2
    1. IM wateenellende

    Possibility for nice combination in the chess variant crazyhouse which was shared by calcu _later

    1 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Zu_Cho_Chi (2453) - FM calcu_later (2739)
    1. IM wateenellende

    Tough Crazyhouse puzzle 20-4 2024 Based on a 1min Crazyhouse fragment between GRX and Larso

    3 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Chapter 1
    2. Chapter 2 Answer of the puzzle
    1. IM wateenellende

    Grxbullet 2700 Against Larso 2659 Sharp Crazyhouse game,3min game

    4 • IM wateenellende •
    1. GRXbullet (2719) - GM larso (2659)
    1. IM wateenellende

    Sharing examples where i try to pretend hang pieces but with some tactical ideas in it

    2 • IM wateenellende •
    1. IM wateenellende (2757) - Mamontmamont (2163)
    2. IM wateenellende (2805) - LowKeyTitled (2528) getting a taste of my own medicine
    3. IM wateenellende (2860) - groshks (2293)
    4. MystikosLogariasmos (2412) - IM wateenellende (2758)
    1. IM wateenellende

    Sharp game Anna Muzychuk-Emil Sutovsky spa invitation tournament

    2 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Anna Muzuchuk-Emil Sutovsky Spa inventation tournament around the 2010s
    1. IM wateenellende

    Rook sacrifice on move 4 with 4..Qa5 after a pretty strange opening though.

    1 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Chapter 1
    1. TheFinnisher
    2. IM wateenellende

    One of the earliest queen sac , a bit silly line tbf though 1b3 e6 2a3 ?! Qf6 ?! 3Bb2 Qxb2 !? +=

    1 • IM wateenellende •
    1. Chapter 1
    1. IM wateenellende

    Game study sharp zh position just a puzzle i made.

    1 • IM wateenellende •
      1. IM wateenellende

      wateenellende's Study double rook sac

      2 • IM wateenellende •
      1. NN - Emil Joseph Diemer
      2. Edgar - Lott
      3. NN - Joseph Henry Blackburne
      4. Rashid Gibiatovich Nezhmetdinov - Lusikal
      1. IM wateenellende

      2 rook lifts and 2 rook sacs in 7moves, maybe the first 7moves is not everyones cup of tea though

      2 • IM wateenellende •
        1. IM wateenellende