
Search "user:lena741"

94 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How to disable "View the solution" delay?#2

Somehow I figured out it myself: .puzzle__feedback .view_solution { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; }

Lichess Feedback - Loading engine error#12

BTW, thanks for moving the engine switch to the left for no reason.

Lichess Feedback - How to disable "View the solution" delay?#1

For unexplainable reason there's a delay before "View the solution" button appears on a puzzle page. One can argue that is to force players to solve puzzles rather than immediately view the solution, …

Lichess Feedback - Seeing the best solution when learning from mistake or doing a computer analysis#4

The problem is that in real positions unlike puzzles maybe there are multiple good moves. Stockfish can prefer one over another (and his opinion maybe changed depending on the current depth), but "Lea…

Lichess Feedback - Merida pieces without gradient#6

It's ok when chess sites/apps have custom chess sets and some modifications of a known sets, but they're de facto standard sets like Merida which is commonly used in books and available on most popula…

Lichess Feedback - Merida pieces without gradient#1

Original Merida font doesn't have gradients, but here on Lichess it does. I prefer the original clean look, but maybe others don't. Anyway, I don't have a GitHub account to make a pull request, and hi…

Lichess Feedback - Multiple solution puzzle#5

I agree, it's a bad puzzle. One can argue that one move is *more* winning than another, but as long as both ways easily leads to a win, it should not be a mistake to choose a more slow way to win. It'…

Lichess Feedback - 2 opponent-queens on the chess board towards the end of the game#2

You can get 9 queens maximum if you want. Chess is hard.

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle UI suggestion: be laconic and highlight important#2

P.S. Also, what's the point of hiding the puzzle rating if its approximate value is written just below with the biggest font on the page?! AFAIK, currently there is no way to get truly random rated pu…

Lichess Feedback - Puzzle UI suggestion: be laconic and highlight important#1

Now: Suggestion: I don't have GitHub account to create an issue, and pretty sure it will be silently ignored here, but I just leave it h…
