
Tell me a joke

Three men stuck in the desert , their car broken down. They decide to make a walk for it , they all take one piece of the car , first man , 'I'm going to take the radiator for water, second man , I'm going to take the window washer reservoir for water , third man says I'll take the car door , the first two are perplexed why you taking the door ,
So when it gets hot I can wind the window down xxx
3 nuns had always dreamed of going to see the Pope give his speech in St. Peter's Square in Rome. One day, they were finally able to make their dream come true.

When they arrived, they were too far away. So they could only see the pope raising his arms and then lowering them while muttering inaudible words.

They decided to make their way through the crowd to get closer; same thing; still too far away; the pope raising and lowering his arms while muttering inaudible words.

Having waited so long for this visit, they decided to use their elbows to get far enough to be sure of hearing him. Finally having gotten close enough, they then saw the pope raising and lowering his arms saying: please, get off my lawn!
Since my first joke was apparently not a success; I'll try another one.

One day a hidden tribe was discovered in Africa. The White Fathers of Africa made it their mission to go there to preach the Good News and mandated one of their priests to go there. He was very well received by this tribe.

A few months later, a baby was born, but he was strangely much whiter than the others. The chief of the tribe therefore summoned him to his hut. He decided not to hastily make accusations and first asked him for explanations.

Father, he said, from generation to generation, our babies have always been born black, but since your arrival, a white baby has just been born; how do you explain this? The priest began to think and came to an explanation. Great chief, you have here a male and a female sheep that are completely white and I see that there is a black sheep among their offspring; that's a natural phenomenon; I think the same phenomenon happened with the white baby as the black sheep, but colors reversed.

The chief, stunned by this response, thought in turn and said to the father : I see; I am going to forget about the white baby, but for the black sheep, I ask you that we keep this between us.
Think of all days starting with only their first letter like
Monday - M )

After thinking , aline them in a straight line
@Noflaps said in #15:
> But it does seem to spell well and resist bad grammar. Which, I submit, is hardly surprising.
Unless you tell it to hAvE RaND0m 1eT+eRs lIke thIS.
Hey McDonalds can I have a shake what shake sake your booby
Not a funny joke in the whole lot
So here are two more. 1. A chess player, a talking parrot, and a Rabbi walk into a bar. The bartender say, "What is this some kind of a joke?" 2. A bartender says, "I am sorry sir but we don't serve time travelers in this bar." A time traveler walks into a bar.

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