

Astrologers are st*pid people who create horoscopes, and astronomers are those who study space
Astronomers are ones who study about space, while, astrologers are the ones who study the prediction and the life of the people. Many think that astrology is not the part of astronomy. But I think astrology IS part of astronomy. The term 'Astro' means space and 'nomy' means study. So, 'Space study' is called Astronomy. Astrologers are also studying through space. But astrology is a part that is kept in the corner.
We should not insult astrologers as they also play an important role in our life. And please don't direct offence towards people who love astrology.
Unless you're one of the few people who believe in astrology, it doesnt really play an important role in life
@vellarco said in #23:
> Unless you're one of the few people who believe in astrology, it doesnt really play an important role in life
I do not believe in astrology but I believe in astronomy. Before tagging a comment, first have a evidence that you are going to say. And it plays a important role in our life, a very small, but important. Do you think astrologers are just time-passing, eh? Do you think they are stupid, eh? Or do you think astrologers are the fools who are doing this job? Every job is created with common sense. Every job is important in our life. Jobs play important roles in our life. Either it is astronomy or astrology. Understood?
(No offence towards astrology lovers)
to some extent, yeah, they are just wasting their time
@vellarco said in #25:
> to some extent, yeah, they are just wasting their time
Ok I see. You only look from your perspective. Ok. if I will go deeper, you will not understand. But, are you wasting time posting in the forums instead of studying?
And also I want a proof on your sentence. Means I want proof why you think they are wasting their time.

Astrology is just a huge load of bs and yes, they're a bit stupid and indeed waste their time and that of those who go to them. There isn't in any common sense in it. One shouldn't really seek "help" or "discernment" from some phony occupation. And no, it plays no important role in our lives whatsoever. Honestly, the only problem is the fact that people are too blind and believe in such rubbish and hence give these frauds a "job".

P.S Why do you try so hard to defend something inane that too in such a poor way ? Imagine saying "Understood ? " after barking a load of gibberish.Cringe.
@ZwischenzugX11 said in #27:
> P.S Why do you try so hard to defend something inane that too in such a poor way ? Imagine saying "Understood ? " after barking a load of gibberish.Cringe.

Astrology topic aside. Why did you said me gibberish, cringe, eh? I am barking. Do I talk like a dog? Ok. Insult me. Let me see how much can I handle.

They actually do waste their time, but people these days are too blind to not see the reality, because of which astrologers get money. Even my family does all those rituals to purify lives, and know their star-sign and what-not. But at the end, it's just ‘‘one big fat load of steaming BS’’ — Katzenschinken.
For short. Astronomy is a field of science. Astrology is a field of fiction.

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