
Search "user:grendizer"

286 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Mike Tyson and Garry Kasparov#7

Both of them had brutal dedaly attacks and now both are in age but can easily beat everyone exept top players/fighters with their class

General Chess Discussion - Mike Tyson and Garry Kasparov#1

Do you see some similarities between them? After some month Tyson will return to the ring and it reminds me Kasparov return in 2017

Community Blog Discussions - Impossible Puzzle to solve for Humans#28

@nikhildixit let me know if you agree that this is also solution

Community Blog Discussions - Impossible Puzzle to solve for Humans#27

Found second solution. It starts before last move

General Chess Discussion - 1107 rated puzzle#3

Worst part is that puzzles like this prevent me to reach my new records in puzzle storm

General Chess Discussion - 1107 rated puzzle#1

Try to solve

General Chess Discussion - how do you feel when you lose#11

Only time when I feel good even after loseing is when I give oponnent takeback. It feels like I did something right which is more important then chess

General Chess Discussion - Help me to progress in chess#17

@Sacmaniac said in #14: > The best for you @Noob862 is to play Puzzle Streak and Puzzle Storm. This way you can most accurately see your improvement in tactical play. You have no idea how lucky you ar…

Lichess Feedback - More stats in puzzle storm#1

For me it is really interesting what is total time that I spent on it Also my best results, for example top 50. Some new stats will give people more motivation to do it and improve their results

General Chess Discussion - Help me to progress in chess#11

@Noob862 Try to find your opening. Is 1.c5 what you really want to play? Spend time in the opening and try to start thinking from beginning
