
Search "user:CSKA_Moscou"

2271 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is it okay two create two accounts?#8

@The_Fatal_Flame said in #1: > I just needed to know whether it's okay to keep two accounts. Someone said to me said we can have two accounts at once. But I just needed to make sure about that. It's o…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to disappear?#21

Ask Houdini.

Off-Topic Discussion - What happened to lichess?#2

nothing is dead. everything is renewal - the Bundesliga became an official Lichess league, which reached more than 500 tournaments. - the teams have become more competitive and more "honest" since ebo…

Off-Topic Discussion - LiModerators 2024 be like...#4

the controversial subject is a disguised homage to a quote from Spassky. Unless the subject becomes obscene or suggestive, there is no reason for it to be deleted. on the other hand, I notice that the…

Off-Topic Discussion - Have you ever had any ( for lack of a better term) occult experiences#14

the fact of having survived my allergy to antibiotics when i was 8 years old is already a miracle. then yes. But I met black cats and had a great day at the same time, and Friday 13th are days like an…

Off-Topic Discussion - Why is chess better than sex?#48

It's strange that such a subject is still there. World Guinness Book should get involved

Off-Topic Discussion - Who else is obsessed with Shakespeare?? Shakespeare fans challenge#24

@Passionate_Player said in #23: > how does Laertes die with a sword blow whose tip is poisoned. killed by Hamlet, when they had exchanged swords during a duel

Off-Topic Discussion - I urgently need to know if anyone remembers me#4

For sure i remember you. But I'm not sure.

Off-Topic Discussion - Do Gods or invisible entities create things without solutions?#8

the universe and space have no definite end or solutions. there could be a single universe in the middle of the vacuum of space (and this vacuum of space would be infinite) or several universes, which…

General Chess Discussion - when was lichess made???#12

@Chess0315 said in #11: > No, it didn't Lichess was made 2010 administratively speaking you are right. but the forum was born when the great people took it over.
