
Search "user:Brian-E"

1195 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#11

@petri999 said in #9: > 8/2Nr4/4Kp2/4pN2/4Pk2/8/8/8 w - - 0 53 > the position I saw on boad and table base gives Kxd7 as winning move. in actual game hitting win Kn is drawn. Oh I see, you're taking i…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#8

@petri999 said in #6: > no it is not a draw. higly academic issued but 7 piece table base says it is winnable it really is. In practice far and few between can really win this That's very interesting,…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#7

@petri999 said in #4: > endgame table bases do not have bugs due to method they are compiled. Or they would have a lots of bugs. Building table is pretty simple backtracking algorithm. For sheer fun o…

General Chess Discussion - How the hell is this endgame WINNING for White????#5

For a win for the knights (ignoring the 50 move rule) the pawn needs to be behind the "Troitsky Line" and securely blockaded by a knight. For an e-pawn as here, the pawn needs to be no further advance…

General Chess Discussion - Is it okay two create two accounts?#22

Long story short, no, creating a second account is not generally permitted. A lot more players will think they form an exception than the number who really do have a good reason to flout this.

Lichess Feedback - Can we please have a auto-save feature for Lichess blogs?#3

No doubt TotalNoob69's suggestion works a dream, but I also recommend when you're writing a lot of text that you work offline on your local machine making your own regular backups, and finally pasting…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid Catalan black keeps pawn#8

@Blind_p said in #7: > Also, do you think the Caro Kann is good for me? I feel it suits me [...] Yes, that's an excellent choice for a player who prefers to try to neutralise the opponent's threats an…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid Catalan black keeps pawn#5

I understand from what you've said so far that you like positional games without too many complex tactical lines, ideally leading to endgames, and also that you're unhappy with sacrificing a pawn in t…

Lichess Feedback - i couldnt move my queen#3

Yes, you haven't provided enough information for anyone to be able to help you. Best post the game, indicating the point in the game when you were unable to move the queen. Also it would help if you m…

General Chess Discussion - Avoid Catalan black keeps pawn#3

As a Catalan player I am always happy with the compensation for the pawn against an opponent who tries to hang onto it provided that I don't mess up and let Black's pawns on the queenside start rollin…
