
"Capture the defender" -> "Remove the defender"

I would like to create a petition to change the name of the puzzle theme "Capture the defender" to "Remove the defender." The definition given is: "Removing a piece that is critical to defence of another piece, allowing the now undefended piece to be captured on a following move." Everywhere else this is referred to as removing the defender.

Very often this removal is done by deflection or some sort of simplification/trades that then removes the defender. There are a few puzzles I've run into recently that I would qualify as removing the defender that I didn't give the tag capture the defender however because they didn't involve us actually capturing the defender. All this is to say that I think "Removing the defender" is more typical and broadly applicable than the current term.

If you agree/disagree, let me know!
They have these types of puzzles in Lichess but hard to find maybe you could make a compilation of them
I agree with #1. I've complained about this too in the Lichess discord, so the mods do know about this and also mostly agree that it should be "remove" instead of "capture". I suppose it's a matter of time before it gets changed.
Not all deflections are removing the defender. Not all removing the defender tactics are deflections. I know it's a semantic issue here, but I think with the current definition, this should be called "removing the defender"
#5 "Not all removing the defender tactics are deflections."

Right, some defender removals involve capturing the defender. Other defender removals are deflection. Is there some third category of removals which I don't know about?
"Capture the defender and remove it from the chessboard."
"Remove the defender and capture it from the chessboard."

Only one of the above phrases sounds correct and it's the first sentence.
Capture what's on the square and remove it from the chessboard.

Capture the defender.
Remove the guard, by capturing it.

The guard is guarding a square.
The defender is defending a piece.

Remove the Guard: Remove the knight that is guarding the square d1.
If the rook is then captured, mate will be unavoidable.

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