
Can you loose the LM title??

Why would you remove an honorary title due to inactivity? Titles you earned persist unless it’s found out you obtained them illegally. Honorary titles persist until you are proven to be dishonorable BEFORE you got the title, inactivity after the reception of the title wouldn’t even matter if you considered inactivity an dishonor.

Edit: guess there were some instances where titles got stripped after some extreme examples of misconduct after the fact, were talking like mass murder and not being idle.
@common-Buzzard said in #11:
> Do you have to be a titled player to earn the 'Lichess Master'?

Nope, people who arent titled can only receive this honorary title! Plus you shouldn't misbehave as well
@ChessRocket555 said in #13:
> Nope, people who arent titled can only receive this honorary title! Plus you shouldn't misbehave as well

Thanks, some LM's are stronger than titled players though...
@Rookitiki said in #12:
> Why would you remove an honorary title due to inactivity? Titles you earned persist unless it’s found out you obtained them illegally. Honorary titles persist until you are proven to be dishonorable BEFORE you got the title, inactivity after the reception of the title wouldn’t even matter if you considered inactivity an dishonor.
Well, AFAIK, there is no hint that Igor Rausis had been cheating before he became a grandmaster. He got the GM title in 1992, when engines were too weak to be helpful on his level.
@common-Buzzard said in #14:
> Thanks, some LM's are stronger than titled players though...

Yes Lance5500 is like a GM! He makes alot of simuls go join them! You will definitely have a lot of experience and fun :)
I can remember precisely one occasion of the LM title being withdrawn because the person who had it had misbehaved (I won't name them because that would be public shaming). Apart from that, I don't think it has ever happened.
@KenulL_76 said in #7:
> Lichess awards LM titles to noble and respectable people in the lichess society. So they will not misbehave and lichess stopped giving it out
@sheckley666 said in #15:
> Well, AFAIK, there is no hint that Igor Rausis had been cheating before he became a grandmaster. He got the GM title in 1992, when engines were too weak to be helpful on his level.
In the case of Igor Rausis, i. e. in the before-computers era, it was still possible to cheat, but in a different way. You could “buy” a games :)
Why is everyone obsessed with the LM title nowadays

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