
What has been more significant, clock, nuclear weapons, ships/boats or the internet

Nuclear weapons require precise timing for proper detonation,ships require precise clocks for navigation ( gps satellites require clocks for accurate determination of position and to offset relativistic time dilation,even at their comparitively slow speeds):,the internet requires timing and synchronization .
So I'll go with the clock.
@Dukedog said in #4:
> Nuclear weapons require precise timing for proper detonation,ships require precise clocks for navigation ( gps satellites require clocks for accurate determination of position and to offset relativistic time dilation,even at their comparitively slow speeds):,the internet requires timing and synchronization .
> So I'll go with the clock.
they coulda used crickets
@Evan2019 said in #1:
> Please discuss

lol evan u actually trust the lichess community to help u with ur essays

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