
Seeking Advice to Improve Rapid/Classical Chess Play

I could mention a lot of things but Ii have heard that intermediate players are usually better at offense than defense. That definitely applies to me. It's the biggest problem I have by far. My prophylactic play is good but not spotting opponents tactics.

Chess tempo website has helped me

I like to set up positions from books and play the position. It seems to help me more than games starting at opening positions

Learn positional play, it has helped me out a lot.

Reassess your chess is my favorite book. There are a lot of good ones though. I like Hanging Pawns for openings, he does a good job of explaining why a move is played in an opening. Pawn Power in Chess is really good at explaining opening ideas.

Epiphanies I have had that helped a lot artificial support points for knights. Active Rooks are very important in endgames

importance of using levers

Concept of over protection.

If I get in a rut I mix up how much time I spend on given topics, I might cut down on tactics and increase my analysis and vice-versa.

Importance of blockading in certain positions like playing against an isolated queen pawn

That has all been in semi-recent past, early on I needed to learn more basic things.

Can anybody else tell me about your epiphanies ]?
Play many different openings. its helpful to learn more pawn structures.

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