
Training Timer

I can't find a thread dealing with what I'm thinking about so hopefully this isn't a duplicate. The issue I'm having is that while the training is great and I find it really helpful, my rating has gotten too high for my actual ability. When I first started the training, I could solve the problems correctly in under a minute, but as they got harder it naturally took me longer to solve them. Now I sit and ponder a move for 5-10 mins (or sometimes more) before I see the solution.

So, similarly to what and do, I would love to see a timer function added to the training that would adjust rating increases based on how rapidly I was able to solve the problem. Yes, I could come relatively close to this by just timing myself and forcing myself to put in my best guess after some self-imposed time limit like 1 or 5min. But I would find it helpful if the site had this automatically especially because then I wouldn't be forced into guessing in order to lose points.
In my opinion time-based puzzles kill all training. Timer forces me to move quicker, even if I haven't checked all the way to the win, or just makes me opt for any move based on intuition (if I haven't found the tactics). Instead, what you have to do is visualize all sensible lines as if in the real game. Of course, in a real game you are also limited in time, but it's up to you to manage it right. Also the timer always helps you in the way that you know if the puzzle takes much or little time to solve. On the other hand I wouldn't mind if lichess added a timer for an average time spent on the puzzle (optional) if it didn't effect the rating.
Its true, and you do touch on some of the negative effects of the timer. I definitely agree that when the length of time allowed is variable, this does give an idea how simple or complex the move is and I also don't like this. But I think that even if you didn't see any timer, that if there was some code to look at how long it took you to solve a given problem and limit how fast your rating increases based on this, that I wouldn't run into the problem I have now where the problems take me a really long time to solve.

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