
What is up with the people who offer draw when they are losing?

I don't even play rated games. I only play casual games as an anonymous player, where is nothing at stake, but they still have to offer draw when they are clearly losing. And some of them leave after I decline their draw or they continue to annoy me with draw offers throughout the game, and then leave when I am about to mate them.
It's like with anonymous chat. There people don't know each other, but they still can feel the same fear, as in life, or try to offend you. It's because life is a game. But if we talk about very real things, like business, job, relationship, so there your emotions are more close to reality.
But this anonymous communication also is life, but more far from reality, but here exist the same behavioral models.
So people, who make this (offering a draw all the time, offending you, leaving games) they are learning this life models, they are playing a game (though it's far from reality). And they try to learn these emotional models (though it's bad emotions).
Of course we can think, that there is nothing at stake, but there is: they watch, will you accept a draw, or will you say something, etc. of will not. And by this "research" they learn human psychology (though this way is morally wrong).
Nietzsche summed it up quite succinctly:

"Those who are inferior wish for equality (for it will lift them higher)"

It's not just happening in anonymous games - rated too. I think for some it's a tactic - it is distracting to say the least :(
Dionysus_god, it's true, but it is obvious: people often do it in the life.
But he asked, why people still do it, tough there is nothing on stake. And I answered that there is, because it is a model of the life, and they (draw extracters) train and research human psychology, trying to create this equality (though it's only a game), mentioned by Nietzsche.
You have to think what the equivalent would be in OTB chess.....surely you wouldn't be allowed to offer a draw every couple of seconds? Pulling funny faces? Drumming your fingers? For that matter - what does the rule book say about distractions?
I understand you, ttt, but I don't think it's intentional "research" on their part. I think it is largely an unconscious attempt to save their pride and value as a player.

As for rated games, it's clearly just a way to win more points.

I disagree with the long-standing myth of "drawing as a distraction". To wish to equalize an inferior position is nothing other than the desire to raise their low standing.
Perhaps a few people really believe that it will "distract" the superior player, but the offer would still stem from the basic desire to equalize (and it is counted as a win if weakness can equalize with stength).
Yes, you are right, Dionysus_god, it's almost always unconscious attempt. I described, how it works from the position of games in human relationships, and in our mind, but, of course, most of people do it unconsciously.)
Just checked - FIDE rules say repeatedly offering a draw may forfeit the game - why can't that be implemented here?
What is the issue?

If someone offers a draw, *you don't have to accept or deny it*. Just ignore it. They can't offer a draw multiple times unless you click "deny" multiple times. -.-

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