
Millennium chess e-board - Lichess token is wrong. I use iOS any other MacBook M1 users have this?

The problem
I accept that there may be software bugs with various updates of the chess board’s related systems; iOS, Lichess, Millennium software. I cannot work out where the issue rests.

I try and play with my board connected to my MacBook M1, which has worked well until the last two weeks.

My MacBook is using iOS Monterey V12.0.1

Now, when I log with my laptop, in I get the following:

First screen: "News is loading" (screen grab attached), but the news never loads. By comparison, when I use my phone, I get the news loading straight away, and I am able to connect the iPhone to the board and play a game on Lichess.

Second screen: “The Lichess token is wrong. Please try again.” (screen grab attached.

Actions performed:
I have loaded the issue onto Lichess in the hope of a response

I have contacted Millennium Chess to talk through the issue, but I was nicely told it is not our problem.

I have tried new tokens

I have deleted the app, and reinstalled the same on my MacBook.

I have deleted all cookies, and reinstalled a new app.

Each of the above actions, results in the same message on screen as attached.
Hi John

I have the exact same issue trying to access lichess via the iOS app
Success. Typing the token, letter by letter, as opposed to copy and paste worked well.
Problem solved.

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