
Is 1250 FIDE good when i have 2000 lichess and 1700 chess com? (All rapid ratings.)

I am 2000 on lichess and 1800 fide lol (mainly because I don't focus online)
I am 2100 on lichess rapid and I am 1700 standard FIDE.
But I’ve played about 20 rated games on FIDE :)
It's actually normal to be underrated at FIDE, because, there's difference between playing in real life and online, it also affect in psychological when playing on real life, that why there's some people suck at online but good at Real Life Chess or mirror it.
Another effect is that if a player improves significantly, FIDE ELO is often much slower to reflect the progress, partly due to (usually) lower number of rated OTB games, partly due to the nature of the algorithms used. For people who perform differently in different time controls, it may also play a role that online servers classify the time controls in a very different way than FIDE: e.g. 15+15 already counts as "classical" by lichess while 45+10 would still count as "rapid" by FIDE definition.
45|10 is Rapid? if i'm not wrong, it's count as "Classical", and actually "Classical Chess" is just a chess without time, so that's why most of Classical Tournaments must be include Increments sometimes more than half minutes.

Appendix A, section A.1: A ‘Rapidplay’ game is one where either all the moves must be made in a fixed time of at least
15 minutes but less than 60 minutes for each player; or the time allotted + 60 times any
increment is at least 15 minutes, but less than 60 minutes for each player.

45+10 is therefore rapid by FIDE standards (55 minutes), even 59+0 or 30+29 would still count as rapid by FIDE (59 minutes). On the other hand, time controls like 8+0 or 10+2 (which lichess counts as rapid) are blitz by FIDE definition.

(lichess uses base + 40 times increment and the interval for rapid is 480-1499)
Time controls for each player in a game of rapid chess are, according to FIDE, more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes. Rapid chess can be played with or without time increments for each move. When time increments are used, a player can automatically gain, for instance, ten more seconds on the clock after each move. When time increments are used, the total time per player for a 60-move game must be more than 10 minutes but less than 60 minutes.

So, yes, 45|10 is rapid. It equals 55 minutes after 60 moves.

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