
cheetos vs doritos

Doritos keep attacking my mouth with the sharp edges. They stab the inside of my mouth repeatedly as if this was a documentary on medieval torture methods.

Cheetos on the other hand have a long history with me. When I was young, my small intestine knotted itself. The first thing I ate after this was cheetos. As a result, I had cheetos stuck in my small intestine for a few days. Anything I ate would get stuck there. As I result I have had memories with them.

So the winner is lays. A classic. Can’t go wrong with lays. Depending on where you live, the exact type varies. The goat of chips is blue lays, but those are not readily available anywhere besides India. If you can get blue lays, get blue lays. They are the absolute best thing in the world (unless you can’t tolerate spice at all, they are slightly spicy’. By Indian standards it’s nothing, but other countries don’t seem to use spices as much. Looking at you UK)
Hiding whether products are vegan and refusing to give vegans a straight answer about it? IMO that should be a crime. So, both these Pepsi-Co brands are complete shit. I buy other brands tortilla and chick pea puffs, which also taste better.

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