NM smalugu Lichess coach picture

NM Satyajit Malugu

Practical chess lessons in New hill, NC

LocationNew hill, NC United States
LanguagesEnglish (US)
RatingFIDE: 2119219822152323
Hourly rate50-70 depending on how many classes per month
AvailabilityAccepting students

About me

I am a moderately active chess player that can teach at all levels and age groups. Usually I only teach 1:1 but open to other options.

Looking for serious over the board students that want to compete in tournaments, while I help students augment their learning with online resources, at the moment I am not teaching online.

Playing experience

My peak USCF was about 2250.

Teaching experience

I have taught many kids over the years from age 5 to 18 and some adults too including my own children.

Best skills

Middle game thinking and focus on improvement.

Teaching methodology

Heavy focus on practical game play and tournament results.

Latest blog posts

What makes somebody a chess master?

Deep dive into positional evaluation