
How to Minimize Distractions While Playing a Chess Game

ChessOver the board
In this post, I will be discussing several ways that you can minimize distractions while playing a game, whether it be online of OTB.


The first thing you want to do is to find yourself a quiet room to play in. This means no-one talking to you, no noise from outside anything else that may distract you.
Another thing that you must do is to make sure that any phones, iPads or tabs on your playing device won't cause any problems. I would say ideally play with only one tab open if you're playing on Google.
Finally, my last tip would be to put on Zen mode if you want to. This will make no spectators visible, your opponent's name and rating gone, in addition to many other things.


Generally speaking, there will be more possible distractions while playing in a OTB tournament, rather than playing at home in your bedroom. So for this reason it is also very important to try to minimize distractions here as well.
If you're worried about other players spectating your games, sometimes I find it helpful to use my hands as something like a tunnel. So you could wrap your hands around your eyes, making only the board visible to you. This may be particularly helpful in complex positions that require a lot of thinking.

I hope you enjoyed this article!