
Search "user:vonWerlich"

7 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Partida por correspondencia parada.#2

Probablemente esto suceda porque el control del tiempo del partido es infinito (∞). Tu oponente tiene todo el tiempo del mundo para responder. Si esta experiencia te resultó frustrante, elige controle…

General Chess Discussion - Reti-Spielmann#2

I looked it up in the 15th edition of MCO and couldn't find it there. After an online search, there is quite a struggle over which one is which. As always happens with the naming of not so played vari…

General Chess Discussion - Why are so many people recommending the Caro Kann?#15

One possible reason why so many coaches and youtubers recommend/like the Caro-Kann is because of playstyle and opening repertoire. Usually, someone who plays or want to play the Caro-Kann wants to be …

General Chess Discussion - What is the best opening / move to play against d4 as black?#5

Usually the best move is the one in which you are better prepared. If you know the theory behind, almost all ideas are playable. Of course, the best ones tend to be d5, Nf6 and e6, usually leading to …

General Chess Discussion - As a 1500 rapid player, what openings do you suggest me to main?#10

At 1500, Italian game as black and white should suit most games and allow you to understand many of the concepts of the game. Just avoid tricks and traps and you will be fine out of the opening most t…

General Chess Discussion - Searching For Books Written by World Champions#4

There is the classic "My great predecessors", by Garry Kasparov

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to avoid playing with newly created accounts - (rating?)#1

Hello everyone, today was the last straw playing against an ovious cheater, a newly created account performing like a GM and with a unstable rating. I searched here and found no Q&As about this: Is th…
