
Search "user:amnonbc"

27 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - what is the difference btw SF16 7MB & SF16 40MB#15

All versions of stockfish use the same UCI interface, so supporting multiple versions is not a massive job. And it lets users choose for themselves which version they want to use, and look at the trad…

Lichess Feedback - Temporary ban for the day on second daily leave#9

people leave games for a variety of reasons networks get cut off somebody at the door phone call

Lichess Feedback - in browser SF verison#1

The in browser analysis now allows us to chose Stockfish 11, 12 or 14, and 14 has options for 7MB or 40MB. What are the differences between the options?

General Chess Discussion - Computers killed chess#47

Chess is thriving, and being played at a higher standard than ever before.

General Chess Discussion - Why do people play for cheapos in the middlegame?#3

It is always possible to blunder away and advantage. I was once down by a queen, two horses, a castle and a king, and still won (on time).

General Chess Discussion - Rating estimate from game#5

There are hundreds of millions of games played on lichess every month. Each game has recorded ratings for both players. I would imagine that this would be enough training data for an effective neural …

General Chess Discussion - luck#13

There is plenty of luck in chess. There are plenty of times I have accidentally stumbled into a winning position.

General Chess Discussion - Rating estimate from game#1

Has anyone built a program to estimate a players rating by examining their moves in a small number of games. One would expect low rated players to often leaves pieces en pris. And other moves would be…

Lichess Feedback - number of games per month#3

Thanks. These are amazing figures - 100 million per month! Sharp rises during the Pandemic lockdowns, and around the release of the Queen's Gambit, as expected. But no fall after the pandemic, though …

Lichess Feedback - number of games per month#1

Is there a dashboard showing how many games were played on lichess each month, showing the growth of lichess usage?
