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3 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Seeing the best solution when learning from mistake or doing a computer analysis#5

@lena741 said in #4: > The problem is that in real positions unlike puzzles maybe there are multiple good moves. Stockfish can prefer one over another (and his opinion maybe changed depending on the c…

Lichess Feedback - Seeing the best solution when learning from mistake or doing a computer analysis#3

@CanadaQuebec said in #2: > Try board analysis...i saw a total count of blunders, mistakes plus it is suggested what would have been a better move. If ever it is not board analysis it is an other name…

Lichess Feedback - Seeing the best solution when learning from mistake or doing a computer analysis#1

Hi! I'm wondering if there's a way to see the best move when using "learn from mistake". I've imported several games, and during computer analysis, it always says "good move" but doesn't provide infor…
