
Search "user:NasalDemons"

21 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Evaluation goes from -2.2 to -3.5 . Move isn't marked as inaccuracy/mistake/blunder in analysis.#1

This seems strange: 16. Ng3 is not marked as an inaccuracy or mistake or blunder even though it allows an obvious fork and makes the evaluation go from -2.2 to -3…

General Chess Discussion - Is it possible to get a CM title in two years?#14

Don't listen to people who tell you it's impossible. If you like chess and have a title as a goal, just try to pursue it. At the same time, I don't think anyone can tell you if/when you'll achieve it.…

Lichess Feedback - what is the difference btw SF16 7MB & SF16 40MB#19

@lena741 said in #14: > Sorry for offtop. Any of those engines are about 3600 elo, the differences, I believe, matters only for computer vs computer matches, but for analyzing of human games there're …

General Chess Discussion - Thumbnails you would click on!#15

I see a lot of thumbnails with silly facial expressions these days. I bet a lot of channel owners have realised this gets the most clicks, with help from YouTube analytics data. Never trust what peopl…

Lichess Feedback - New feature suggestion: "Good game, well played" upon winning the game#15

Automatic chat messages make no sense to me. The whole point of chatting is... to chat, which automatic messages don't accomplish :)

Lichess Feedback - My draw offers wont apply#6

@EmPheroR said in #4: > no I know what Im talking about I press the draw button but the opponent wont recieve any notification! You didn't answer the question - did you press the button twice? You nee…

Lichess Feedback - Strange 0.0 eval by new SF16 on obviously won position#3

@Solal35 said in #2: > Hello, thanks for the report we’re aware of the issue affecting SF16 (7mb NNUE). For now we have reverted to SF14. Great, thank you!

Lichess Feedback - Strange 0.0 eval by new SF16 on obviously won position#1 When SF16 evaluates this position, it shows 0.0 score even at depth 36, even though it's an obviously won position according to both me and more importantly SF14+…

General Chess Discussion - Is chess coaching a scam or no?#7

Like anything else in life, there are good coaches and bad coaches. If you keep finding only bad ones, maybe you need a different way of finding coaches.

Community Blog Discussions - Chess isn’t for the Weak#11

@Jade-1 said in #6: > If you lose, it objectively means you are not as spatially intelligent as your opponent. Those are the sad, brutal facts. Sorry but that's not a fact. A single game is not an ind…
