
Why is Lichess controlling my matches?!

With the exception of the 'Play With The Computer' section all the 'BOT' accounts are operated by people other than Lichess . The only people who can answer your question directly are those who operate the maia accounts. Hopefully your contact can give you info n it.

I'd imagine that the bot was either overloaded when you tried to rechallenge, or they have some kind of rate limiting feature to stop the same user from monopolizing usage of the bot.
@mcgoves said in #9:
> This isn't technical support, it's a discussion forum. Conversations happen. If you don't want a conversation, this might not be the place for you.
What is the correct way to get technical support on lichess?
@BaronVonChickenpants said in #11:
> With the exception of the 'Play With The Computer' section all the 'BOT' accounts are operated by people other than Lichess . The only people who can answer your question directly are those who operate the maia accounts. Hopefully your contact can give you info n it.
> I'd imagine that the bot was either overloaded when you tried to rechallenge, or they have some kind of rate limiting feature to stop the same user from monopolizing usage of the bot.

Thank you for trying to answer. This sounds the most reasonable - but working with the researcher to find out for sure.

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