
Game Seeking

Hey guys! Just wanted to discuss the fact that you can not limit your seek. Although this makes absolutely no sense as we have a lot of people playing here right now this is another outlook. As someone who is trying to improve, I find it detrimental to continually play people who are significantly lower rated than I am. As a result I get bad habits that will win against those players but against better players such moves do not work. In other words my level of caution deteriorates. Although my plea will probably result to nothing as well as a statements that will be produced by oppositionists. (Example I stated that chess is based on war and morons (no offense) said it was not).

Anyways hopefully this starts a serious discussion regarding such an archaic issue.
You can limit who you play, though. When you create a game just adjust the range of ratings that can accept the game.
"As someone who is trying to improve"

*Only plays blitz*

Yeah keep talking.

Anyway you can limit your seek, just choose the 'create a game' option.
Lol I play my rapid games on I actually do more of that as a whole... Before you make assumptions please do your research.
You cannot do it for quick searches bro... You can make a custom seek but that is not the same and takes longer to get a game. See wasn’t I right in that there will be an oppositionist. Like bro relax I ain’t here to fight.
If you select for example; 3min, 0 secs, with 2000+, it's the exact same speed matching as auto 3 mins. Only reason it's slower as there may be less 2000+ 3 min players ready to play.

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