
Chess Practice : Queen vs Rook endgame needs more details

Thank you for the Learn - Practice section !
I have seen in the "7th-Rank Rook Pawn" there's the little octopus teaching me.
I appreciate that a lot! Being told why the opponent is doing thing and not moving to certain places. And why I need to move somewhere.
Along with all the arrows and circles pointing to key positions.

The Queen VS Rook is rather complicated for me, and in the current practice program I feel just left in a position with no more information than "fork King and rook". Having to figure out all the techniques by myself without much guidance. And so far it's been very frustrating as I can't figure it out.

I would also appreciate more starting positions for the Queen VS Rook practice. Videos I have found online often start out with the "Philador's position". ( FEN = 1k6/1r6/2K5/Q7/8/8/8/8 w - - 0 1). I have understood that but I can't figure out how to force the opponent in that position.
So a practice from the Philador's positon and the furthest / most complicated position would be nice !

A in depth series for about those complicated endgames with guidance then left to do it yourself would be good. Many thanks !
Queen versus rook is complicated. Fork king and rook with the queen is both correct and brief, but easier said than done. The defending side with strive to keep his rook and king together to avoid such forks and the queen must often engage in tedious manoeuvers to force them to split up. The first part of KQ vs. KR is to push the king to the endge of the board.

The Philidor position is a strong defensive position. In an endgame KRP vs. KP you should put your king on a square in the path of the pawn and your rook on your 3rd row. Your rook thus prohibits your opponent to advance king first and pawn later and thus he must advance pawn first. Then your rook goes to his back rank, to perpetually check from behind.

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