
Can adding time be bad form?

Erm most people that add time to me are trolling cause they are losing or because they joined a time control they don't like by mistake and be thinking I'm taking to long to make my move ,it's bad form usually from trolls but can be used in a kind way if you want , I think most people think it's a useless feature used by trolls xxx I've added time in correspondence games when my opponent forgot about time, to be kind
When people have a mate in 1, they always give extra time to be toxic or run it down to last second before giving mate. Don't add extra time, it is not good sportsmanship
I think adding time is a good feature sometimes, for example in friendly games to help your opponents think more. Of course, there are also the people that use it for bad sportsmanship...
@greenteakitten said in #13:
> I think adding time is a good feature sometimes, for example in friendly games to help your opponents think more. Of course, there are also the people that use it for bad sportsmanship...

Yes, I will when playing friends:)) I will ask first, if they would like more time, if they have time to reply:)))
I sometimes play friends on time odds, so the adding time feature is really useful for me since I don't have to run a minute down for a 1 vs 2 minute game, I can just add time in a one minute game.

So I think it's a nice feature :) Of course it is abused, but then every feature on Lichess can be abused so why not just let it be? It can always be disabled.
It's shocking to think that sad players would add time, just to 'troll' :((( But I can believe that it sadly happens:(((
@Buny77 said in #14:
> Yes, I will when playing friends:)) I will ask first, if they would like more time, if they have time to reply:)))

Good idea. I should try it. Always ask them when they have less than 10 seconds on their clock. They will finish up that time replying. You get to be a good friend, get a win and bonus points for sportsmanship. Who says you can't have it all? :)
@sgtlaugh said in #17:
> Good idea. I should try it. Always ask them when they have less than 10 seconds on their clock. They will finish up that time replying. You get to be a good friend, get a win and bonus points for sportsmanship. Who says you can't have it all? :)

Hee, I do just add it without asking, if they are v short of time:)) But then check if that was okay with them:))
I do this all the time. I've added up to three hours to someone's clock in a bullet game so that they can't play any other games until they resign in the one they started with me. The people here disagreeing are clearly not Alphas and don't understand that this is one of the few ways to sociologically and culturally dominate someone in online chess.
@Reggie_Seidel said in #19:
> I do this all the time. I've added up to three hours to someone's clock in a bullet game so that they can't play any other games until they resign in the one they started with me. The people here disagreeing are clearly not Alphas and don't understand that this is one of the few ways to sociologically and culturally dominate someone in online chess.

Even though I identify as a Beta (my wife is the breadwinner and I frequently sit while urinating) I completely agree with the sentiment. When people let time run out it's their petty way of throwing dirt on your win. No, I say. My win is pure. Pure as a fresh snowfall and good book. I will add time and sit here and sip my white chocolate mocha until you resign.

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