
Common Puzzle Racer bug

Hey to all lichess community & devs

In Puzzle Racer it's common to see your race started but no puzzles appearing, you can only watch the race going as a spectator.
I was told that it can be fixed via clicking the skip puzzle button. It this case puzzle really appears, but the first move has been already done for you and it's now turn of your opponent. Which is usually made automatically, so the board is stuck.

Please investigate it. It's quite a constant pain for drivers like me.
Maybe you didn't even join it. Can you send a screenshot of the scene (you probably can't do it by now)?
@lucky_Nan said in #3:
> Maybe you didn't even join it. Can you send a screenshot of the scene (you probably can't do it by now)?
If I can skip the puzzle, it means that I managed to join ;)
This too happened to me many times. The race has started but no puzzle on the board. Just the starting position

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