
Question Mark after over 300 games

Hello I had a rapid rating of 1381 after 348 games. However, I just noticed today that the rating now has a question mark after it that it didn't have before. Can anyone suggest why that might be please?
Thank you.
your last game was 1 mounth ago and if you played a lot time ago the ? will come back
@girlgeek101 said in #1:
> Hello I had a rapid rating of 1381 after 348 games. However, I just noticed today that the rating now has a question mark after it that it didn't have before. Can anyone suggest why that might be please?
> Thank you.
In general, the ? next to your rating means that you didn't play enough games of that format/variant. But you're saying that it wasn't there until now?
Right. I have almost 400 games of which most are the rating has been going up without a ? since 1180.
I think I only need 200 max games for the ? to go away. Sometimes even less than 200.
@girlgeek101 said in #5:
> Right. I have almost 400 games of which most are the rating has been going up without a ? since 1180.

The rating deviation will increase if you don't play. It doesn't really matter how many games you've played in the past, but how regularly you play. If the rating deviation goes above 110, you will get the ? behind your rating, which means that your rating is provisional again. It stays like this until you play more often and regularly to get your rating deviation below 110. Then the ? will disappear and your rating will no longer be provisional.

Your current rapid rating deviation is 111, so just play 1 or max 2 rapid games and the ? will disappear (for now).
Thank you (all) for responding. Makes total sense now. Happy Checkmating.

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