
Opening explorer based on PGN file?


is there a software that has an opening explorer (preferably like the one here on Lichess) that accepts a PGN file as its database?

Would be practical to download one's own games and see the result of every move one makes.

The only thing is that when I wrote that program, lichess had ply count in its PGNs and there is a filter for ply count in the program so that aborted games can be filtered out. Since missing ply count is counted as 0, and default minimum ply count is 5, the filter will throw out every game with its default setting. So you have to set min ply count to 0 in order to work with current lichess PGN format.

Apart from that, the program has docs, but I can talk you through how to do it.

Supports all lichess variants sans crazyhouse ( it was not a variant when I wrote the program ).

It has support for building a white and a black book from the same set of games ( you can set a handle in the settings, and it will look for that handle either being white or black in the game ).
Thanks, man!

Exactly what I was looking for, have to say, navigating the interface and importing the games is not very straightforward, but I finally managed to work it out.

I'm glad that you found it useful.

While the process is somewhat complicated at first sight ( filter PGN, then open multi PGN, then build book from multi PGN ), it is done this way because steps in the process make sense in other context than building a book. ( For example you may filter a PGN to just have a filtered PGN and nothing else. Or open a multiple game PGN and build a book from it without filtering it first, etc. )

The program comes with multi variant Stockfish ( auto configured for each variant ), can suggest moves or evaluate all moves in a position and store respective evals in the book, and has auto book building capability ( "Search" button ) which was heavily tested by fellow lichess member Erdmundr using cloud computing. The only thing is that you have to first activate the engine for the given variant in the Engines tab and all the analysis features work from then on.

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