
Lichess Vs percentile


I heard that was tougher, in term of quality of players. So I played some games and, I confronted the percetile (of many player are weaker/stronger than you).

My data suggest that the level of players is way higher on lichess.
Do you have some other explanation? Why I am so ahead on Is there some kind of data manipulation to make the player feel stroger on and then affiliate on that platform?

Thank you vey much?

Radip: I am better than 54% of player
Blitz: I am better than 29% of player
Radip: I am better than 81.8% of players
Blitx:I am better than 55% of player
<Comment deleted by user>
It seems that lichess counts only players active during last 7 days and chesscom counts all accounts.
Which explains perfectly why chesscom player pools may be stronger but reaching certain percentiles is more difficult on lichess.
@alex_makarets said in #3:
> It seems that lichess counts only players active during last 7 days and chesscom counts all accounts.
> Which explains perfectly why chesscom player pools may be stronger but reaching certain percentiles is more difficult on lichess.

This. includes all the noobs that tried chess for a week, then gave up. Lichess excludes them,

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