
When is Lichess going to BAN Russian players??

The whole world hates them until they get out and stop the war!! The Russian Chess players should be banned and sanctioned. Get Putin arrested.
Remember that the first country that Hitler took over was Germany. Same principle applies to Putin.
@greybishop99 said in #1:
> The whole world hates them until they get out and stop the war!! The Russian Chess players should be banned and sanctioned. Get Putin arrested.
Aw, Shut up, will ya?
We'll sure show them we mean business. Might even instantly stop the war!
Putin has started war not the people of Russia so why should lichess ban them i rather like if they ban people who supports the war ....

Suppose today ur country started a war but u r not supporting it and u get banned how would you feel?
@Mopman said in #2:
> Remember that the first country that Hitler took over was Germany. Same principle applies to Putin.
Germans did support Hitler greatly. So do russians to their dictator today. No reason to separate the citizens from the country.
My point is Lichess and all Chess online should ban the players good or no good. Then Russia might have mass protests and WAKE up the good majority and over throw the dictators . Then they would have democracy and get their country back and not be like zombies. It could be a good rich country and have lots of tourism. But now it’s a shit hole country and getting worse. Siberia could be it’s own country too. Get the despots out and be like a free western country.
@Alex_1987 said in #9:
> This is not true. A very idealistic delusion which is so popular in the West.
Many Russians are against the war. You cannot blame entire country for actions of its politicians.

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